Monday, January 18, 2010

daily drawings fail.

So, as you probably have guessed, my mission to post daily drawings has been a fail. There are many reasons for this, but i suppose i wanted to comment on it. i have been working on a lot of things: 1) reference/inspiration sketchbook full of images that inform my work and that inspire me 2) large drawing for class (3foot by 8foot charcoal drawing of a branch) 3) photo project (see below) 4) printmaking projects for school 5) color wheel project for class.  And much, much more.
i will try to post some images soon of some of these things, as well as any other projects i have been working on. (i made a hand-bound sketchbook for a friend and fellow art student.)

More to come. And as for the daily drawings.... i will do what i can. i will just start posting images like that but will call them "sketchbook..." with the date. i don't think pressuring myself to draw something that i find worthy of posting is going to help me right now. Pressure enough with school back in session.

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