Sunday, January 31, 2010

today's work

Drawing II assignment: abstraction from still life in Synthetic Cubism style.

18" x 24"
Charcoal and blue pastel on paper

copyright 2010 jennifer a. krause

Friday, January 29, 2010

Central Park, New York City, September 2009

Central Park
silver gelatin print
copyright 2009
jennifer a. krause

Monday, January 18, 2010

daily drawings fail.

So, as you probably have guessed, my mission to post daily drawings has been a fail. There are many reasons for this, but i suppose i wanted to comment on it. i have been working on a lot of things: 1) reference/inspiration sketchbook full of images that inform my work and that inspire me 2) large drawing for class (3foot by 8foot charcoal drawing of a branch) 3) photo project (see below) 4) printmaking projects for school 5) color wheel project for class.  And much, much more.
i will try to post some images soon of some of these things, as well as any other projects i have been working on. (i made a hand-bound sketchbook for a friend and fellow art student.)

More to come. And as for the daily drawings.... i will do what i can. i will just start posting images like that but will call them "sketchbook..." with the date. i don't think pressuring myself to draw something that i find worthy of posting is going to help me right now. Pressure enough with school back in session.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

And... SIGH! i shot 586 images today. Phew!

Very Preliminary Preview of new photo series

These will probably be shot on film in black and white and printed in tintypes. We shall see. This is a very preliminary preview.

To see the entire preview, go here

Saturday, January 2, 2010

And now for something (not) completely different...

Today i thought i would post a bunch of work i did for school this semester in lieu of some more 'daily drawings.' i have not made a drawing in a couple days, like i said i would. i have been in that weird sulphurous fog that comes every year during winter break when i feel like the Fall semester has zapped my ability to do anything but lay on the couch and watch tv.

The work will pop up after this post, maybe not in order, but i will do my best.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Intermediate Photography, Final Project

Here is my final project for Intermediate Photography. This series is titled "Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World," after the novel of the same title by Haruki Murakami that inspired the work.

See the entire series after the jump.

Two Point Empirical Perspective

Assignment for Drawing I: 2 Point Empirical Perspective Drawing, we were sent out into the hallway (a drawing 1 classic) and were asked to draw the hallway or area inside the school and insert some sort of object in a different scale. This assignment was inspired by Rene Magritte's drawings of the same subject. Magritte would often paint or draw common interior scenes (a bedroom, etc) that contained, for example, a giant wineglass, or eyeglasses, for a surreal effect.
This is my own boot in the hallway of the Fine Arts building. 

(again, my apologies for a terrible copy shot, i'm lazy today and don't want to reshoot)

and a more detailed crappy copy shot of the boot

18" x 24"
graphite on paper
copyright Jennifer A. Krause 2009

One point perspective

Assignment for Drawing I: this was a one point perspective drawing of an interior room. It was not a particularly creative assignment, but i took my own liberties with it, and went nuts. It started as a drawing of the studio at school, and once my professor gave me permission to be creative with the 'extra' space, i just let myself meander around the space and this is what i came up with.
(Sorry for the wretched copy shot)

"in the studio", one point perspective drawing assignment
18" x 24"
graphite on paper

copyright Jennifer A. Krause 2009