Friday, March 27, 2009

new work

Here is some new work. i have been exploring photography and i must say i am loving it. It has caused quite a stir in my conception of myself as an artist. So much so that i may be changing my concentration in school from illustration to photography. Big news. More to come later.

All images copyright 2009 Jennifer A. Krause, All Rights Reserved.

"theresa in the bathroom" 35mm print, 8"x10"
(this print has some issues, will post better one later)

"theresa in the sun" 35mm print 8"x10"

"theresa as her small and vulnerable self" 35mm print, 8"x10"

"self portrait on the river" 35mm print, 8"x10"

"reflection in sewer cap" 35mm print, 8"x10"

"ray's hand" 35mm print, 8"x10"

pinhole image 8"x10"

"left and right" 35mm print, 8"x10"

"inappropriate self-portrait" 35mm print, 8"x10"

"buckets" 35mm print, 8"x10"

"alley" 35mm print, 8"x10"

untitled 35mm print, 8"x10" (taken with 1937 Argus-A)


Chris said...

Very, very nice stuff. My jaw dropped when I saw "theresa in the bathroom" posted on the bulletin board of the photo room.

genevieve said...

Thank you so much Chris. i have a certain lack of insight to my work. It all comes from a very strange place that has no words and i cannot articulate much about that place, nor can i make reasonable evaluations about its products. Usually i don't have an opinion one way or another about a finished piece, because again, it just comes from this strange and silent place... i am completely in a vegetative, meditative state when i shoot and when i print (which you have witnessed on a few occasions, especially when i repeatedly run into you, literally, on my way in or out of the darkroom. i go off into la-la land and then i get amnesia for the events, i have a finished product and then i just look at them. Some of them i have strong emotional responses to, but i never think to myself that anything is particularly good. Or bad. Just... silent or white noise in my head. So i appreciate hearing this a lot. Thank you!
i have the monorail (insert Simpsons Monorail song here) this weekend, so for right now i have 12 shots loaded up and ready to go. Hopefully i will get a decent image out of those. See you on Wednesday! (also do you have a facebook? mine is

Chris said...

Why yes I do have a Facebook account, which I'm sure you know by now since you already accepted my friend request.

Which monorail do you have? The 8x10 or the 4x5?

genevieve said...

i have the 4x5. its pretty damn exciting. i cannot wait to use the 8x10... ive been drooling over it/about it for months.